Gen Z: Making Waves in Housing or Nah?


Millennials have been the talk of the town for a long time, especially when it comes to buying homes and stuff. But hold up, here comes Gen Z, born from 1997 to 2012, and they're starting to think about owning their own places too. So what's the deal? Are they actually shaking things up in the housing market or not?

How Gen Z Thinks About Money:

Gen Z grew up when times were tough, like during the Great Recession, and they saw their parents and older sibs struggling. That's probably why they're pretty careful with their cash. When they're eyeing houses or apartments, they're probably going to look for deals and good investments, rather than just splurging.

City Life vs. Suburb Vibes:

Millennials were all about city life, but Gen Z was not so clear. Some peeps are saying they're more into suburbs because it's cheaper and there's more room, especially since a lot of us are working from home now. But let's be real, some of us still dig the city because it's fun and lively.

Tech and House Hunting:

Gen Z is the first gen that’s grown up totally online. We’re talking smartphones, Instagram, the whole nine yards. So it's no shocker that they're gonna use tech when they're looking to buy a place. Expect more virtual house tours and applying for loans online, because who wants to do it the old way?

What About Renting?:

Even though some Gen Z-ers are ready to jump into buying, a bunch are also cool with just renting for now. Things like money troubles, student loans, and wanting to keep things flexible make renting a good call for some.

Caring About the Planet and Community:

Gen Z doesn’t just think about themselves; they’re really into helping the environment and being part of a community. So when they're picking a place to live, they're also looking at how eco-friendly it is and what the community vibes are like. Expect them to check out energy-efficient options and places near parks and stuff.

Roadblocks Ahead:

Let's not sugarcoat it; Gen Z has got some hurdles to jump. House prices are skyrocketing, older buyers have more money and don't even get us started on student loans. These are some big obstacles that could slow them down on the road to owning a home.

Wrapping It Up:

Gen Z is just getting started, but they're already making some moves in the housing world. Their tastes and what they care about are definitely going to have a big impact on what the future of buying and selling houses looks like. So if you're in the real estate biz, you better start paying attention to what this new crew wants.

To learn more about the Prescott, Arizona real estate market contact Michael Eastwood CEO of West USA Realty of Prescott at 928-636-1500 or visit us at  and Michael will introduce you to one of his professional real estate agents.(Each office is Independently owned and operated) #RealEstateTips #PrescottAZ #HashtagPower #BoostYourPosts #ViralContent #RealEstateSuccess #RealEstateReel #PrescottAZ #HashtagHacks #InstagramGrowth #ViralVisibility #FollowMe #PrescottRealEstate #ArizonaHomes #PrescottAZ #RealEstateForSale


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